Pagentry! Illegal substances! It was all there for the second annual Tour de Dope 24MOTAB (can I say annual now? can I spell annual? probably not.). A good turn out was on hand to partake in an EPO induced frenzy of competition and general loitering about. P-lip on par with Indurain, Merckx, Hinault and Armstrong became one of the elite 4 time winners of 24MOTAB. A feat shared only with Daniel Meyer. Phil Dopestrong? hmmm.... Vee tenaciously clung to his DFL standing with a repeat of last month's glory (only yours truly owns more DFL titles) proving that he couldn't have doped...unless of course he's doping to lose. And speaking of yours truly, the Kittenmaster, I believe I also hold the record for Second Place Sucka too by adding one more runner up finish for this MOTAB. Uncle Ron? HA! Beat that!.....please? Though stringent testing was carried out with the help of a newly installed doping control center, not a single rider was found to be clean. Except for maybe Patrick's little brother and that giraffe lookin' guy...maybe. The pictures tell the story.